#eye #eye






Hyper Island





I am a 27-year-old graphic designer, born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden.

Growing up, I was a bit of a creative whirlwind
—drawing on walls, furniture, and yes, even myself. My parents quickly caught on and got me my first tablet, saving our home decor from my artistic endeavours and kickstarting my journey as a graphic designer.

I began with basic tools like MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker, selling art for peanuts. It wasn't much money, but it pushed me to improve quickly and pick up more advanced programs to get better results. 

I explored various art forms during my time in art and visual communication schools—metal smelting, furniture building, ceramics, painting, and more. But visual communication stood out as my true calling. While I may not envision myself in a workshop for a pay-check, I'd still love to be crafting away when I'm old and grey.

My first taste of the professional world came through a client assignment in school. It was a bit chaotic, missing some crucial steps, but it was incredibly exciting. That experience ignited a fire in me to continuously grow and consistently bring a client's vision to life. Since then, I've had the pleasure of collaborating with companies like Hedvig, Alfakassan, Svenska Pen, Dyamo, and more. The journey continues, fueled by a passion for visual communication and a relentless dedication to continuous learning and delivering exceptional work.